.004 % drama

#aka covid19…

Would you put 50 euros in a bet where you only have 0.004% chance of wining? NO! 99% of people will answer NO! Because the chances are very minimal, and your Return On Investment (R.I.O) is not guaranteed..

Now, would you wear a mask, take an experimental vaccin where your consent is not been asked, accept your little business is destroyed, accept you or your parents are depressed, accept your children life is destroyed, accept your freedom is taken away ….for a disease you only have 0.004% chance of being affected from, only if you have other health issues? Yes! More than 60% of people are accepting that illogical reality. Why, because the are afraid! Afraid of dying, because of the heavy brain wash they’ve undergone through governments, MSM, etc.

Statistically speaking, you have more chances of dying in a car accident, bike accident, than dying of Covid19…This is for those who might think I am comparing their life with gambling…

Do you know that at birth there are 2 things you are certain to be subject to:

  1. You will die 100% sure! Sooner or later, vaccin or no vaccin, fear or no fear, you will…(you decide how)
  2. You will pay taxes! Our corrupted system has put things in place to make sure we pay taxes. Because we are no better than commodities …. (there is more on that)

So think for yourself, wake up and do not gamble your life on 0.004% chances… You risk loosing everything exactly like your 50 Euros 🙂

You decide! Stand up for the truth and for your freedom!


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