Many people are blaming others for not wearing a mask, claiming those who are not wearing masks are exposing other to covid 19…. Well do you know what PPE means? PPE: Personal Protection Equipment ….So in other words, you are protecting yourself when wearing a mask. Not others…. Stupidity is so tick nowadays, there is… Continue reading PPE

.004 % drama

#aka covid19… Would you put 50 euros in a bet where you only have 0.004% chance of wining? NO! 99% of people will answer NO! Because the chances are very minimal, and your Return On Investment (R.I.O) is not guaranteed.. Now, would you wear a mask, take an experimental vaccin where your consent is not… Continue reading .004 % drama

The vaccin is experimental…

Don’t become a guinea pig! Watch the video below, very sad and terrible to see a man like Dr. Vernon coleman age loose it! Very sad. Stand up for your freedom! Take control of your health. JSK