Resistance …

Do not wear the mask! Do not participate in this “scamdemic” to destroy humans. Oxygen is one of the most necessary element to humans. Without oxygen every single living creature is bound to die. When you accept to wear the mask, you are depraving yourself from oxygen, therefore exposing yourself to some serious health consequences due to lack of oxygen. On short term, you might not feel that. But on the long term, your body will suffer. Do you know that at birth if babies lack oxygen for only a couple of seconds, it can cause them some serious brain damage? That is how important it is for us as human to breath some fresh air, and therefore take in that oxygen. In fact, in order to help heal some diseases, doctors have advised patients to go to the mountain for some oxygenation sessions. That is how important oxygen is.

Yes some of you are afraid of getting a fine for not wearing the mask! I understand that. However let me ask you a question: don’t you think your life worth more than the couple euros you will need to pay if you don’t wear a mask?

Don’t sell your body to people who don’t care about you. Wearing a mask, in order not to get a fine, is like selling your body. Mask are more an oppression sign than a protection sign. It is a submission to someone’s order, in other words it is to let your handlers know that you are the slave and they are the masters! Do not accept that and do not be part of such devilish practice.

Don’t be afraid of authority! They don’t own you, you are a free person. Do not allow them to think they owe you! They have never cared about your life, instead as you see through all the incoherences of the covid 19 era, non of the decisions they’ve taken so far made sense. The only thing that makes sense is that they are breaking everything thing that reminds us we are human:

  • The right to be free
  • The right to see our parents (many friends of mine cannot see their parents anymore because of covid 19)
  • The right to enjoy our friends and have communion with those we love
  • The right to go to school and learn
  • The right to freely circulate ever where at any time
  • Etc…

Wake up! Stand and fight back. Reclaim your right to remain human. Do not leave the right to those psychopaths to transform you into machines, prisoners and slaves. You worth more than that!


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