Resistance 1.2

Do not mistake, this “plandemic” is designed to make certain people richer, while the other get poorer and poorer: WE THE PEOPLE!

If you consent to all the rules they put in place, you are not only contributing to your own dismiss, but also you are helping them make your neighbours, parents, friends, brothers, poorer.

Have you ever wonder what will happen to all these small shops that cannot open, while all the big one are fully functional? What’s the difference between going to AH getting your grocery and going to Bruna (which is closed) to drop your post? Diversity in opening more places would avoid a concentration of people in one place and therefore prevent any further contamination. And yet, all small businesses are closed, and this worldwide ….except in Zambia! 🙂

Resist! Stand up to this mascarade and reclaim your freedom back!


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