The irony of life…who is afraid here?

I came across this picture and it made me think. The devil is in details and that’s why I love digging into details.

Observe well this picture. Here is a guy sitting at the beach, meditating and trying to get his mental and physical strength back. We all know fresh see air is very good for us. For those initiated, we also know meditation is very good source of mental strength. So basically this guy is doing nothing which going against neither his own life, nor the life of someone else. Remarkably, this gentleman seems fit and healthy.

Now, observe how many police “mignons” are there: 7 (yes one os hidden by 2 others)

Observe the physical appearance of these police “mignons”: none of them have a physical appearance I would call fit. They are all severely overweighted for their own job…

So, why these people, wearing masks, are coming to talk to someone, like this gentleman, who appears athletic (probably been healthy way before covid19), trying to convince him to wear a mask to save his own life??! Isn’t ironical ?

Who is afraid here? It is obvious to me….

Don’t give up! Stand for your freedom, do not outsource your well being to people who are not good examples to follow!


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