God vs Evil, Good vs Bad…

This story is not ended yet! Indeed, many people do not take the time to properly analyse things that are happening in this world. Instead, they prefer out of laziness, to let other people tell them what is happening. By doing so, they basically allow some people to provide them with mostly biased view on the situation.
In fact, every time there is something happening, you always have 3 levels of understanding to it:

1. The surface level 

2. The hidden level

3. The spiritual level 

1. The surface level is what you see immediately. And very often it doesn’t always provide you with the accurate situation. Instead it gives you a quick view of what the situation could be. To illustrate that, think about the story where the wolf disguises himself like the grand mother, in order to get closer to the little kid and try to eat her.
2. The hidden level is more complicated to apprehend and requires one to invest himself or herself into understanding the situation. It requires you to start questioning what you are being told, what you are seing, and also to challenge what you are seeing or being told at first. And because many people do not like taking these steps, they stick with the surface level therefore never understand what is really going on. They remain sleepy for years and years..Note that all main stream media, are embracing this surface level, in order to manipulate and subdue most people. The surface level is their preferred level of operation to pass on false narrative and bring people to believe in their lies.
3. The spiritual level: while this is the most difficult level for most people to connect to, it is also mostly where the real meaning of the situation is. Most people are not able to connect to this level, and some people do not even believe in this level. Yet that is the level where everything is decisive. Because that level is Good vs Bad, God vs Evil…

Food for thought……