To you my young friend out there…be like a chameleon …

New Synthetic Chameleon Skin Could Lead to Instant Wardrobe Changes

The nature mostly has answer to many of the questions we are asking ourselves. Provided that we do take the necessary time to observe it.

One of my favorite animals in the nature is the Chameleon. Yes, the chameleon, and you are probably thinking I have gone crazy, but that’s alright. I will accept that, and bear with me so I can explain why.

Indeed, when observing a chameleon, there are five things we can learn:

  1. Focus
  2. Observation
  3. Carefulness
  4. Blending / Integration
  5. Caution


When the chameleon has a goal, whereas it is getting his meal, or going somewhere, observe that his head is completely turned into that direction. He is totally locked onto his target. His head never moves from left to right or from up to down. Instead he uses his eyes to observe the surrounding. He has a 360 degrees view. The total focus is on what he wants to achieve.

{Real life} No matter what you are doing in life, focus is key to your success. If you lose your focus, you will likely either not succeed or it will take more time for you to be successful, because you will need to refocus.


As stated above, the chameleon will take the necessary time to observe his surrounding before any move. Note that his natural ability to see in 360 degrees helps him achieve this very necessary step. Also, remark that when a chameleon is locked on a prey, he rarely rushes to get it. Instead he still continues observing his surrounding to avoid being trapped.

{Real life} While maintaining your focus on what you want to achieve, it is very important that you observe around you what else is happening. One must stay focus and yet investigate what other knowledge or elements can help achieve his/her end goal. That a necessary step to success. Rushing sometimes introduce the possibility to miss the obvious.


Many of us sometimes mock this dancing stand the chameleon sometimes takes, while moving towards his target. In fact, this a crucial step for the chameleon to be successful. Indeed, more than a dance, the chameleon is ensuring that where he is putting his 2 legs next, is solid to support him, before he lands on the structure. Also, sometimes the chameleon will lock his tale on a branch as an extra security, to make sure that if his legs check fails, then his tale will prevent him from falling.

{Real life} When you are focused on your objective, observing your surroundings, it is very important to be careful. You need to make sure that actions you will take, or things you will do are supporting you to be successful. Not the contrary. For instance, if your objective is to become a sport champion, you need to be careful not to do things that affect your ability to become champion.

Blending in – Integration:

One of the notorious things known about the chameleon is his ability to change colors and blend himself into his surroundings. While this is perceived as a survival tactic for the chameleon, it must be said that this also allows the chameleon to calmy observe his surroundings without becoming a target. A great asset for reaching his goal. Obviously, he needs to stay alive, in order to be successful.

{Real life} When you get somewhere it is important to adapt to the situation and the place you are in. Remember, the one who are able to adapt, will be the one who will survive. Not necessarily the strongest. So, adaptation will allow you to observe as well, without being categorized as an outsider. Outsiders are usually seeing differently, and their presence is sometimes questioned. So be one of them, like the chameleon looks like the leaves, when blended in the vegetation.


Once the chameleon has locked onto its prey, checked the surroundings for any potential danger, checked if the ground is solid enough for it to move forward towards its prey, and made sure it has a security grip on a  branch with its tail, blended in the leaves to camouflage itself for any eventual attack from a potential predator, the chameleon will “send” its tongue to go and get the prey. Rarely it will run towards the prey and attack it with its mouth. The reason being, it wants to make sure if the prey turns out to be a dangerous prey, it will not be entirely overwhelmed. This is another specific fantastic genius future the chameleon has to keep itself alive.

{Real life} When you are getting close to your goal, still remain cautious and maintain your focus, while working on the remaining steps to be successful.

I have seen many young people, when getting close to their goal, stopping and thinking they’ve already accomplished it. Then many will start being arrogant, or living the great lives, wasting all the efforts invested to getting where they are, and finally completely losing their focus. Which ultimately ends up making them fail, and in worst case scenario bringing them into a serious depression.

You don’t want the later!!

In conclusion, be focus, apply the 5 steps described her above, be a chameleon and you will be successful, no matter what your goal is.

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