You are a GREAT person/being!

We sometimes, unfortunately, let others tell us what they think we are! And most of the time, people will make us believe we are what THEY think we are.Do not let people put you down! Everyone one of us on this planet is a special person/being. Everyone of us is a strong, smart and talented creature/person/being. In order words, you are a very special person, and you are a very smart person and a very talented person.
Special: there is no two of you on this planet! Even twin brothers or sisters are not the same. And your speciality requires people to respect you. If they don’t, remind them of the fact they do not have anything you have. 
Smart: you are a very smart person/being. Remember when you were 3 years old and you were doing things or saying things, and your parents were proud of how smart you were? That never changed! Your smartness is just blurred by all the fog (educational system, main stream media, information altered, etc) there is out there. Get out of this fog, and recover your smartness. Be interested in what’s going on around you, be curious, challenge narratives that do not make sense to you, call up on your natural compass, be free to speak up your mind and always remember: YOU ARE SMART!! And special.
Talented: everyone of us is TALENTED!! Some of us are talented in listening to others, doing sport, helping others, etc. Find your talent and let it grow. Do not let anyone tell you, you are mediocre because of the system which tends to measure people based on generality.
Remember, you create your own reality. Not other people!
Stay informed, and be free!!

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