Happy New Year 2021! Butterfly …

First of all—Happy New Year! I know that all of us on this planet are glad to see the end of 2020, and so hopeful that 2021 will be better! Could it be worse? I don’t think so. After all our rights have been stripped away from us by our governments (you wonder who they serve really: the people or some other agenda??!), after all the non logical decision that have been made again this plandemic, after all the decisions that were taken to keep us away from each other, nothing can be worse!

So there is hope! For those believing in God, know that God will NEVER let us down! For those who believe in energies (spirituals), know that the year 2021 energy is a healing energy that is designed to clean up the past and all emotions associated with that. What perfect timing! After the demonic year 2020 we have all experienced, we certainly need to clear our emotional energies. The colour for the year 2021 is Medium Green and the number is “5”, which is closely related to Christ energy.

This means it is a time to communicate and express properly. It also means the end of negative cycles which will be cleared. Again, perfect timing! Go out, walk, call each other, talk, have a coffee, spread you joy, be you contagious, be free…

Be like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, and enjoy this new year 2021! Be free, do not let anyone enslave you. Again, remember: you are not just anyone! You are you, a devine being, and you are on this earth for a purpose. Certainly not to abused by anybody else. Fight, fight and be free at any cost!

I wish all of you a healthy, joyous, peaceful, and prosperous New Year. May the world go from Dark to Light. Let all evil be vanquished forever!

Freedom! Freedom and be ready for YOUR greatness.


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