The butter fly effect:

(in a chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. Above is the definition I found for the butter fly effect. But, imagine yourself at a lake, and you decide to throw in the water a little stone. Observe the little waves that are made… Continue reading The butter fly effect:

Resistance …

Do not wear the mask! Do not participate in this “scamdemic” to destroy humans. Oxygen is one of the most necessary element to humans. Without oxygen every single living creature is bound to die. When you accept to wear the mask, you are depraving yourself from oxygen, therefore exposing yourself to some serious health consequences… Continue reading Resistance …

Sometimes the truth is not where they want you to think it is…

What is going on? Who is telling the truth? Who can we trust? And when will this end? These are some of the many questions you are asking yourself on a daily basis since this corona “plandemic” started. What’s going on? Well the people who planned this actually told you about it before it happened.… Continue reading Sometimes the truth is not where they want you to think it is…

Do not fear anything…

Work hard, Keep the faith, and always tell the truth! You will then conquer the world. These are very unprecedented times. But there is hope. Always hope because you are not alone. Indeed, united, men can overcome any sort of adversity. It is not time to give up, raise high, stay strong and go through… Continue reading Do not fear anything…

Did you know?

Covid19 has positive sides! It is 2:27AM and while I couldn’t sleep I started doing some research on why we are called: “person”? Indeed, very often we are referred to as persons! Where does that word come from, and what is its first meaning? Well I just googled it, and this is what I found… Continue reading Did you know?

You decide – Live free! Or live enslaved?! Vaccine Warning

We are living in very difficult moments of our life. 2020 has presented us with tones of challenges, and while everyone suffers differently from this unprecedented situation we are currently in, I would like to urge you to never give up! Fight for your liberty and do not let anyone enslave you. You always have… Continue reading You decide – Live free! Or live enslaved?! Vaccine Warning