…Life of quiet desperation….there is always light …

“Most people live a life of quiet desperation”…I don’t know from who this quote is anymore, but it does certainly resonate a lot with me. Because it is simply true.Many are just in this world, and can’t wait to just run away. I am sure you know, in your circle of friends, in your families, in your circle of colleagues, someone or more people like that.I believe one of the reasons why these people have this deep seated anger and resentment, is that there is a lot of people out there, who have these lives that are deeply unsatisfying. There are many people working all day long doing something deeply unsatisfying and almost painful. Painful in the sens they absolute need to go through some emotional pain, or constraints to do what they have to do. They are literally killing their soul to do what they have to do.
Some are stuck in traffic, almost all day long, and when they get to their work, they are stuck at cubicles after that. And the only time they might enjoy is the time they spent at the toilet, and stare at their phones while sitting there. That becomes literally a highlight of someone’s day!
Then they get back in the traffic to go back home, and they get home and they start watching TV, and they ad some more misery to their lives…
Imagine you would have that job, that you are doing as a passion project, building on it, keep watering it, keep adding some fertiliser to it, keep giving it attention, keep giving it some focus, you would certainly escape from such potential desperation. And you can be self serving. You are going to be alright.
No matter what you are doing, if you feel great Satisfaction of that, if you can monetise that ’satisfaction” and if it pays your bills and keep you good with yourself, that is infinitely more satisfying, than being stuck into a vicious circle of doing something that is simply emotionally self destroying.
I guess my point here is, these are very difficult times we are in. And these times require each one of us to be creative. Creative for ourselves and creative for our families and friends. There is no time to be miserable and cry because the world is not the way we wanted it to be. Instead we must, for those who believe in God pray and ask God to help us be creative. And for those who believe in the universe, ask the universe to assist you reach your optimal creativity. 
For those who are convinced life is indeed a desperation and there is nothing else to do, if you know anyone who thinks like that, please help them. Reach out to them. Talk to them. Listen to them. Make them laugh. Walk with them. Argue with them. Bring some interest in their life. And sometimes a little bit of positive fight can bring some light into someone’s life.

One moment of deep thoughts…

Never give up! Be creative!

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