Many many many ….

Many of us have suffered during the last two years, which will be referred to as the covid area.

Many of us have been in divided situations.

Many of us wanted to comply, just to avoid being confronted.

Many of us suffered for not complying.

Many of us thought the future was no longer relevant.

Many of us saw their short term plans evaporate.

Many of us saw their families split in disagreement.

Many of us saw their friendships end in disagreement.

Many of us wondered many time, what the hell is going on and why.

Many of us saw their lies.

Many of us saw their interest was not about us.

Many of us got hurt.

Many of us cried, and screamed for help.

Many of us thought about the relevance of still being alive.

Many of us were accused either of complying or not complying.

Many of us wondered why are certain people stupid?

Many of us wondered why are things the way there are today ….

For all of us wondering, I would like to say things will be bright again and sooner than later. And when the brightness comes, you will enjoy it to the best of your capacity. Because you would have known what darkness is, for having been into it way too long.

For those doubting, we are all protected! Protected by God and no one shall dare to try and hurt us.

Do not fear! You are protected!


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