Mass deception

Earth, beautiful planet, with beautiful creatures.

Universe at its perfection landed on Earth. Most beautiful people, animals, plants, places, weather, …. reside all on Earth.

How many times in your life, did you have the feeling, you were living in a paradise on Earth?

And yet, Earth is also home to the evilest people the Universe might have. These people are unfortunately running, our:

  • Schools
  • Institutions
  • Medias
  • Politics
  • Sciences
  • Biopharma
  • Hospitals
  • Universities
  • Police departments
  • Companies
  • Etc

Corruption is the language they speak and pushing their agenda at any cost is what driving their every single daily life.

Those people do not believe in anything and consider themselves as gods. They have the right to let you live or make you disappear.

Yes, you might think I am exaggerating, or I am simply crazy. However, look at what is happening in the world right now, and please bring in some logic or common sense that would convince me that all these leaders involved in this planetary scam, wants our good!!!

The positive note is that we are more than they are! So, we should never give up our freedoms! And we should unite, because together we are stronger than they are, despite their billions/trillions and powers!

Let’s preserve our paradise on Earth… together!


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