Moral compass

When dealing with information, trust your own judgment. Trust your intuition and make your own mind up! You are a prefect creature, created to go through all challenges. If you believe you are not able to trust your own intuition, and if you believe in God or in Allah then ask God or Allah to help you process the information. If you don’t believe in any of them, ask your mother, father or grandmother to help you reset your moral compass. Nowadays, we are being fed information that is subject to questioning, or simply not true. The world is full of people, sometimes very powerful, that are only after doing evil things. And that also includes hiding the truth from us. Do not be lazy! Start searching for the truth for yourself and for your family. Waiting to be fed information is almost like committing suicide. Indeed you never know what gets fed to you, and for most of the time, the information is mostly false. There are many examples I could share with you, but then again best would be for you to find it out yourself.

Be curious, challenge the news and search for logical answers, for that is what will help you awaken yourself.

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