.004 % drama

#aka covid19… Would you put 50 euros in a bet where you only have 0.004% chance of wining? NO! 99% of people will answer NO! Because the chances are very minimal, and your Return On Investment (R.I.O) is not guaranteed.. Now, would you wear a mask, take an experimental vaccin where your consent is not… Continue reading .004 % drama

The vaccin is experimental…

Don’t become a guinea pig! Watch the video below, very sad and terrible to see a man like Dr. Vernon coleman age loose it! Very sad. Stand up for your freedom! Take control of your health. JSK


What would you do, if you were in a serious need of money, and someone comes to you, and says: “If you report every WHITE car you see on the highway as a BLACK car, I will give you 1000 Euros per car!”? How many of you are already searching on the web for your… Continue reading Questions:

Resistance 1.2

Do not mistake, this “plandemic” is designed to make certain people richer, while the other get poorer and poorer: WE THE PEOPLE! If you consent to all the rules they put in place, you are not only contributing to your own dismiss, but also you are helping them make your neighbours, parents, friends, brothers, poorer.… Continue reading Resistance 1.2

Resistance 1.1

Your body is stronger than the covid19 vaccin! Your body will be able to quickly create antibodies and overcome the disease. Most people recover from covid19, and in fact 99.6% of people do. Would you like an unknown substance to be introduced in your body? You decide!! JSK

Resistance 1.0

In my last message I insisted on the fact that we should resist the mandate to wear masks. Simply because masks are more dangerous to our health than covid19 is. Oxygen depravation can cause serious damage to kids, pregnant women, people with breathing issues, etc. Statistically speaking, if one does not have any severe pathology… Continue reading Resistance 1.0