Moral compass

When dealing with information, trust your own judgment. Trust your intuition and make your own mind up! You are a prefect creature, created to go through all challenges. If you believe you are not able to trust your own intuition, and if you believe in God or in Allah then ask God or Allah to… Continue reading Moral compass

Never ever give up! One foot after the other, keep moving towards your goals and never give up!

There are times, or there will be times when you feel everything is against you. You feel everyone is cheating on you and life is not fair to you! Well that’s a test for you to be strong. Adversity call upon perseverance. God will never give you something you cannot carry, and therefore never give… Continue reading Never ever give up! One foot after the other, keep moving towards your goals and never give up!

To you my young friend out there…be like a chameleon …

The nature mostly has answer to many of the questions we are asking ourselves. Provided that we do take the necessary time to observe it. One of my favorite animals in the nature is the Chameleon. Yes, the chameleon, and you are probably thinking I have gone crazy, but that’s alright. I will accept that,… Continue reading To you my young friend out there…be like a chameleon …

God vs Evil, Good vs Bad…

This story is not ended yet! Indeed, many people do not take the time to properly analyse things that are happening in this world. Instead, they prefer out of laziness, to let other people tell them what is happening. By doing so, they basically allow some people to provide them with mostly biased view on… Continue reading God vs Evil, Good vs Bad…

Thank you Ali

My first post is to thank Ali very much for helping me put this site together. Ali is a great guy, always smiling, very knowledgeable and always ready to help. Ever since I met Ali, I have always thought this guy is absolutely a perfect genius. The way he handles issues and manages to solve… Continue reading Thank you Ali