
What would you do, if you were in a serious need of money, and someone comes to you, and says: “If you report every WHITE car you see on the highway as a BLACK car, I will give you 1000 Euros per car!”?

How many of you are already searching on the web for your new luxury car you can buy with that amount of money?

NB: some people just like money and therefore will sell their mother for it…

Did you wonder why little amount of people died of anything else but covid19 in 2020?

Did you wonder why people who died in a car accident are marked as “dead due to covid19”?

Did you ask yourself why many many doctors are playing the game, while privately admitting they, themselves would never take the vaccine?

Did you ask your self why is the number of IC beds at hospitals are not increased, while we know that the “infections” will increase since there is no clear immunity possible with covid19?

Did you wonder why they are admen in vaccinating children while the death rate among children is very very little?

Connect the dots ….Standup! Don’t sell your freedom!


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