Sometimes the truth is not where they want you to think it is…

What is going on? Who is telling the truth? Who can we trust? And when will this end?

These are some of the many questions you are asking yourself on a daily basis since this corona “plandemic” started.

What’s going on? Well the people who planned this actually told you about it before it happened. They went on TedTalks events and announced it there publicly to you. They even went further by telling you why they wanted to do that. Depopulate the world!

If you use a little bit of common sense and check the background of these people, you will realise, all their life, they have been telling lies and manipulating the world. They became immensely rich by conning people. I am old enough to remember an operating system called windows, where everything 2 years (sometimes shorter), you had to update your windows version in order to fix a “virus” that was supposedly created by hackers to attack your computer… Wouldn’t it be ingenious to create the virus and then to have the fix ready for it? Sometime the wolf is in the chicken coop, disguised as a cock!

Back to what’s going ? Well they told you about their plans. Did you believe them? Did you even want to know about it? Probably no! Wake up, not everything that shines is gold!

Who is telling the truth? The world has evolved to be a very strange place. The truth is considered as false, and the lies and false narratives are considered the truth. For that do not go farther than your main stream medias narratives. They will manipulate the truth to serve a small group of people, and hide the truth from you, us the people. For example, the last protests in the Netherlands have had a little echo in the press. Instead every time MSM was trying to covered it up, it was to condemn the protesters (some of the people were violent), without mentioning the real reason of the protests which was to go against the oppressive system that was put in place by the political psychopaths: the curfew

In other word, do not seek the truth with your MSM. They will lie to you to serve those who have the financial power, those who pay for their existence. Instead, go to the alternative medias and rely on your own sense of what is truth.

Who can we trust? You! They are many many protests happening around the world and certainly in Europe: Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, Russia…..But you never see them on the MSM. The videos of these events are only made available to people by those who were there and filmed it. So YOU need to trust yourself. Nobody else and certainly not the medias. They are telling lies or are made to tell lies in order to exist…which make them complicit of what is going on.

When this will end? Remember everything has an end! Everything.You might not like the end, but it will end sooner or later. But, for this to end sooner, You must wake up! Stop supporting these evil people plans to make us all go crazy or sick. Do not be a sheep. Seek for the truth and fight to not be enslaved. We as humans are created to be free. Not enslaved, no put into prison (curfew), not isolated.

Stand strong! And if you need to suffer because you are fighting for freedom, that is an honorable suffering.

They are evils….


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