When one situation leads to the other…

Sometimes we absolutely refuse to talk about certains serious topics in our life. There are several reasons to that. Fear, not interested, thinking others will do it for us (worse people of all), undermining ourselves, etc can be listed among the potential reasons people are not able to discuss some serious topics among friends and/or family members.

Reality in life is that you must always talk about the elephant in the room! One, because he will never go away until you’ve talked about him, and second, usually when you do talk about him, you always feel good after. It brings a peace of mind and you don’t feel you’ve been telling lies to yourself.

In our current situation the elephant here is the covid19 restrictions, with all the mistakes governments have made, which brought many people to suffer. Depression is common among people nowadays, suicide numbers are raising and behaviours changes are negatively impacting our social life, not to mention the great deterioration of human contact cause by this situation…

A total refusal to have discussion about this elephant in the room (covid19 restrictions), bring people to become totally conditioned, easy to manipulate and therefore forced to become another category of citizens…..

Don’t be like these 👆🏾citizens! Standup and fight for your freedom 🙏🏾.


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